Monday, August 12, 2013

The Body of Christ

Words to Ponder, We are the Body of Christ … Morrow Mirror… August 4, 2013  
To be a pastor is not necessarily an easy road to walk. However, those of us, or at least many of us, who have accepted this journey would not walk any other road.
The road at times is difficult. Sometimes it requires saying goodbye to a sister or brother in faith.  I have served four churches and I have said many goodbyes.
I have said goodbye to dear friends, to those I barely knew, and to others I met through the stories told by family and friends.  I have laughed with families and I have cried with families. It never gets easy, but it is a great blessing to walk with a family through the valley of shadow of death.  It is also a great burden to represent the living God, but this is what we do as pastors and as people of faith.  We stand as reflections of God love in life and in death.  Sometimes by God’s grace we do it well and other times we struggle, yet again by God’s grace and the power of the Holy Spirit Love comforts and provides grace when it is needed most.
When you read this the week will have passed, but as I write these words the week is just beginning.  It is 6 am Monday morning and I prepare for the week: meetings and worship services to prepare for, things to read, to write and times to just listen.  There is never enough time to do what needs done. Life, every moment is precious. 
Once again I say goodbye.  I never look forward to these moments (to funerals), but I would not be anywhere else.  As the Body of Christ we strive to make a difference in life, and in death we celebrate the difference Christ has made in our lives.
I have presided at more funerals then I care to remember, from infants to adults who have lived a century plus and many ages between.  Every death brings sadness and joy: sadness in our loss and joy in knowing that Jesus defeated death. This week, by God’s grace I will speak the words God gives me to speak. I will say good-bye and hopefully help the family and friends say their good-byes as well.
My friends as the Body of Christ what we do and do not do has eternal implications.  May God give us the strength, courage, and wisdom to do what we have been called to do for the kingdom of God; after all we are the Body of Christ!
Words to ponder.  In Christian Love, your pastor and friend in Christ, Ed

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