Saturday, March 8, 2014


There was once a vine that felt unappreciated. People often came and removed its grapes without a single word of gratitude.
One day a priest sat down to rest in the shade near the vine. Taking the opportunity to explain its concern, the vine said, “As you can see, I am a vine. Young men and old women come by and take my ripe grapes without ever saying thank you to me for all my efforts. How can people be so insensitive?
The priest pondered the question for a moment and then replied, “Perhaps people are insensitive, but in all probability their lack of gratitude comes from a different reason. Just as people expect the sun to shine and the wind to blow, they expect grapes from a vine. They are no doubt under the impression that providing grapes is your duty,” the priest said with a wry smile. (William White, Stories for Telling, Duty, [Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing house, 1986] p 75.)

When I read this illustration this week, I thought about my Christian
responsibilities and how the world sees me. I then wondered if those who see me know, by my actions, that I am a Christian. I imagine if we were honest with ourselves we would all have to admit that we fail, all too often, to truly be Christ’s representative in the world. Individually and as Christ’s church we fail.
In this season of Lent may each of us renew our Christians vow and make a good faith effort to grow in our relationship with Christ and to truly be Christ in the world. May those who come to know us, know we are Christian by our love for God and neighbor.

© Reverend Dr. Edward E. Judy (first published in the Morrow Mirror MFUMC 3.9.2014)

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