Sunday, April 24, 2022

Doubting Thomas


Something to Ponder on the Lord’s Day!          

New Testament reading: John 20:19-31

 John 20:19-31       Anselm of Canterbury had a little Latin expression, "Credo ut Intelligam," which means "I believe so that I may understand." Anselm's expression is an ideal place to begin our reflection on Jesus' first three resurrection appearances in the Gospel of John. Jesus appears the third time in response to Thomas' request, providing him precisely what he asked for after the other disciples informed him that they had seen the risen Savior. I suggest Jesus' first and second appearances to Mary at the tomb, and the ten disciples behind the locked door provided them with exactly what they needed to believe.

"Thomas did not believe the disciples, just as the other disciples had not believed Mary Magdalene (v. 18). In response to the disciples' claim, Thomas said, "Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands, and put my finger in the mark of the nails and my hand in his side, I will not believe" (v. 25b). History has criticized Thomas for not believing the other disciples, but I think Thomas has been treated unfairly throughout the ages. Like so many scripture stories, his story shines a light on our faith struggles, a light that guides us to some sense of clarity to strengthen our faith. 

Thomas stops doubting and believes when he sees Jesus in the flesh. Jesus, however, does not offer praise for his newfound faith. Instead, He asks the disciples gathered in the room a faith question. "Have you," He says, "believed because you have seen me?" (v. 29a). The implied answer to Jesus' question is 'Yes.' Thomas and the others believe because they see Jesus. Their belief is commendable but not as praiseworthy as those "who have not seen and yet have come to believe" (v. 29b). According to Jesus, these are the ones truly "blessed." 

Following these appearances, the gospel of John states its chief purpose for sharing these accounts in verses 31. 

"…these [reports] are written so that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God and that through believing you may have life in His name" (v.31). 

Something to Ponder on the Lord's Day!

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