Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Needs Are Many

Words to Ponder…The Needs Are Many…Morrow Mirror…September 15, 2013
There are numerous opportunities to serve in the United Methodist Church. There are positions in the local Church, the District, and in the North Georgia Conference as well as across the globe. The United Methodist Church reaches around the world helping and serving communities for the Kingdom of God and it begins in the local church; you make a difference.
In your church (Morrow First UMC) the opportunities are all around you.  There is much to do for the kingdom and a lot is accomplished everyday by volunteers but the needs are many and sometimes the work is left undone. It is my belief that God calls each of us to serve (to be involved) and by serving we are drawn closer to God. What we are able to do changes with time but the need to serve does not change, service is part of being Christian. Jesus began the Christian movement by serving and teaching others about God's love, and by calling others to follow him as servants to make disciples.
Is God calling you to do something specific, to lend a helping hand to a neighbor in need or to do something general for the building of God's kingdom?  As in many organizations, a few members accomplish the work (the ministries of the church in our case). The number of servants increases on Sunday, but needs are many.  Service affects the church universal, the local church, and the servant’s spiritual growth.   Service is not always easy; sometimes others disagree with our choices (we call this human nature). But service always brings growth, growth for the church, the one being served and the one serving. It is a win - win situation because when God's people open their hearts to serve, God makes good things happen.  I also believe when the people of God work together for the good of the kingdom, there is nothing that can stop the growth - both physical and spiritual.  
There are lists of ministry opportunities located on the tables in the adult education wing, in the narthex and on the church facebook page. Don't wait for someone else to show you what to do, share with them what God is calling you to do.  If you don't see the ministry on the list, don't ignore God's call, step up and say, "Here I am Lord."
Here are a few of the ministry needs: Children, youth, adult education ministries; bereavement ministry (prepare a meal for someone going through a difficult time); Family Care ministries: give a person a ride to the doctor's office; lend an ear to someone in need; coordinate speakers to provide health and welfare information; help plan Sunday school lessons; help maintain the church's history; help with worship: music, witness, drama, acolyte, altar decorations, audio and visual, sound management, sing in the choir; shop for fellowship hall supplies; work in the food pantry; work the barbecue; the yard sale; help with the bulletin boards; do minor maintenance around the church; the needs are many and God's work goes on and on and on, and it will go on and on until every knee bows in service to God.

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