Monday, February 10, 2014

A Guide for Lay Members (1 of 5)

The General Board of Discipleship (GBD) of the United Methodist Church published a Church Membership Checklist on its website and since we are moving toward the season of Lent, I have decided to share this article with you in part over the next five Sundays. You will be able to read the article in its entirety on my blog Ash Wednesday (March 5, 2014). My Blog link is always noted in the mirror following the words to ponder.
We sometimes speak words with deep conviction, yet as time passes the words fade into the  noisiness of life and we sometimes forget what we held so dear and close to our hearts. So as we prepare for the season of Lent, let us also be reminded of our covenant vow to be intentional about our relationship with Christ. As the journey toward Lent begins let us center ourselves on God's will and quiet our minds to hear, once again, God's call to be a disciple for Jesus Christ.  
"When a person officially joins with a congregation, he or she makes a commitment to participate in the ministries, financial support, and decision-making of the church. Therefore, the church not only counts members, it counts on them to be a formal part of the body of Christ and to accept and exercise their responsibilities in that role. People who join a United Methodist Church commit to 'uphold the church by their prayers, their presence, their gifts, their service and their witness' (underlining added). Honoring this membership commitment through a lifetime builds a strong community of believers who are disciples of Jesus Christ" (  The GBD checklist correspond to the covenant vow United Methodists make when affirming this question by joining the United Methodist church. The first is prayers.
"Prayer is conversation with God. Your relationship with God grows the same way that significant human relationships grow. You have to give time and attention to special relationships. As your faith develops and grows, you spend more and more time with God.
  • Set aside some time each day to talk with God. There are many daily devotionals, Bible reading guides, books of meditations, and forms of prayer to help you. [The church library is filled with resources or just ask another church member for suggestions.]
  • Learn and try new ways to pray. [We have had several classes on prayer & Christian meditation. There are numerous opportunities, just take advantage of the resources the church provides].
  • Increase the time you talk with God each day. The Apostle Paul urges prayer "without ceasing" (1 Thessalonians 5:17). (  
Next week we will look at what it means when we say will uphold the church by our Presence.
May your spirit be enlightened and your relationship with Christ grow stronger as you embrace God's gift of prayer, one of many means of grace God has provided.
 In Christian Love, Dr. Ed Judy

First publishded in Morrow Mirror, February 2, 2014, (c) Rev Dr. Edward E. Judy

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