Monday, February 10, 2014

A Guide for Lay Members (2 of 5)

In last week’s Words to Ponder we talked about covenant commitment to pray for the church in our membership vows. This week we are looking at the second covenant commitment.
Lay Members, commit to accept and exercise their responsibilities as the body of Christ with their presence.  The General Board of Discipleship (GBD) of the United Methodist Church article says our “commitment to presence means we pay attention to the time and to the place we are at in the present moment, which is actually a hard practice because people generally think about the past or future. Yet our Christian commitment is to pay attention to the present moment, while looking and listening for God's guidance. When we promise "presence" to the congregation, we commit to be engaged to the place and people who compose both the congregation and the community the congregation serves. ( 
  • Attend worship weekly where you are.
  • Build deeper relationships with people in the congregation and the community through regular participation in a small group, fellowship opportunities, and service projects.
  • Pay full attention to your location and to the people you are with at church, at work or school, and at home.” (  
The author believes it is difficult for humans to think in the present because we tend to think only about the past or the future. I believe this is especially true concerning our spiritual journey. Many Christians have the ‘hell fire and brimstone’ teachings of their youth embedded in their minds. They remember the preacher who induced fear with sermons that condemned them to eternal damnation for their sins as they called them forward to recite the sinner’s prayer. Once this public act was accomplished; prayer spoken and Christ accepted as Lord and Savior, they return to life as usual believing their eternal home to be secure. With their eternal future now secure they live out their lives waiting for their heavenly reward. One concern I have with this analogy is that it turns Christianity into a wait for death lifestyle. Christianity is not about waiting for eternity. Christianity it is about bringing heaven to earth, it is about living for and with God in the here and now.
Salvation is a lifetime experience, an eternal journey that begins in this life. It is a daily occurrence of growing and being in relationship with the living God through Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.  It is not about doing one thing at a single moment in history so we can make it to heaven when we die; it is about living out the heavenly experience everyday wherever God has placed us. 

The church is just one of the many ‘means of grace’ provided by God to help us fulfill our baptismal and confirmation commitment to be Christ in the world. The Lay member, as the body of Christ commits to be present not to help the church, but to be the church in the world as a reflection of God’s love for our neighbors.  When Christians are present in the body of Christ it not only helps to transform the world, it helps disciples (members of the body of Christ) grow in their relationship with God. It is a win – win situation. When we live out our faith God’s love is shared and others are drawn to God, they grow in their relationship with God and we grow in our faith and relationship with God.  Heaven on earth becomes a reality and the world is transformed one person at a time.  In Christian Love, Dr. Ed Judy

 Fist published: Feb 9, 2014 Morror Mirror, Morrow First UMC, (c)Rev. Dr. Edward Judy

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